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Expert Electronics AAT-100 auto tuner

Expert Electronics AAT-100 auto tuner
Antenna Auto tuner for SunSDR2 DX

Cena s DPH 9 890,00 CZK

Cena bez DPH8 173,55 CZK

Novinka - automatický anténní tuner
pro transceivery SunSDR2 DX

Max. 120W

rozsah impedancí 15 až 300 ohmů

dodáván včetně ovládacího kabelu k SunSDR2 DX a koaxiální spojky, oba kabely o délce 3m


Automatic Antenna Tuner AAT-100 was designed for SunSDR2 DX transceivers.
Allowed SWR level is up to 5 (resistance level in a range from 15 up to 300 Ohm).

Input impedance

50 Ohm

Operating temperature

0 to +55C

Operating frequency range

1.8...30 MHz

Max input power

120 W

Control cable length

3 m

Antenna cable length

3 m