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YAESU G-1000DXC rotátor

YAESU G-1000DXC rotátor
rotátor pro větší ant. systémy

Cena s DPH 673,20 €

Cena bez DPH556,36 €

rotátor pro větší ant. systémy s regulací rychlosti a presetem

další příslušenství
- 25m kabel CABLE 25M
- sada konektorů 25M-WP
- čelisti GC038
- montážní základna se silentbloky GA-3000
- výložníkové montážní základny ke stožáru pro rotátor a ložisko
- ložiska GS-050 nebo GS-065
- intterface k PC

Recommended Application Medium/Heavy-Duty for large HF Arrays
Wind Load 2.2 m2
K-Factor (Turning Radius x Weight of Ae) 230
Stationary Torque 6,000kg/cm
Rotation Torque 1,100 - 600kg/cm (G-1000C; 800kg)
Max Vertical Load 200kg
Max Vertical Intermittend Load 800kg
Backlash 1o
Mast Size 38 - 63 ?
360o Rotation Time 40 - 100 sec. (G-1000C; 55sec)
180o Elevation Time N/A
Boom Diametre N/A
Rotator Diametre x Height 186 ? x 300
Weight 3.5kg
Cable Requirement (# cores/wires) 6 (G-1000C; 5)

rotators for medium size short wave beams and big 2 m antennas with 450 degree rotation (i.e. 90 degree overlap
enabling simple and fast change of direction).
The control box has snap action rotation control switches and a 360 degree illuminated indicator with selectable
zero-point. Mechanical AND electrical brake system. Snap on-off cable connector for rotator as well as control box
enables easy wiring. Required mast clamp when mounted on a supporting mast: type GC-038.
The G-1000 has the same features and data as the G-800, however, has a 1.5 times higher brake torque (see table).
Suited for real big short wave beams.