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Dálkově řízený anténní přepínač 5poloh do 250MHz

Cena s DPH 379,44 €

Cena bez DPH313,59 €

vnější jednotka pro instalaci u antén, 1xpřívodní koax, 5x antény, konektory SO239 (PL),
vnitřní ovl. jednotka, nap. 220/240V.
max. 5kW do 30 MHz, 1kW do 150MHz, průchozí útlum pod 0,1dB na 150MHz,
PSV pod 1,2 do 250MHz


Ameritron’s Remote Coax Switch lets you remotely switch up to five separate antennas using one inexpensive
small control line (like standard telephone wire). Eliminate a tangle of troublesome coax and have a simple and
neat installation with just a single feed line.

The RCS-8V consists of two units, the weatherproof switching box that mountson your tower or mast and the
control unit that’s placed at your operating station.

VSWR is less than 1.2 from DC to 250 MHz and less than 0.1 dB loss at 150 MHz, great for the HF/VHF/UHF operator.

It handles over 5 kW below 30 MHz and 1 kWat 150 MHz. You can ground unused positions or leave them open.

The indoor control unit is all metal to prevent RFI and TVI. It also has LEDs to indicate the antenna you’ve selected.
A Lexan scratch-proof panel has a markable surface for labeling your antenna posi- tions.

RCS-8V operates from a 120 VAC power source or RCS-8VX for 220/240 VAC. Use any 6 conductor control line
(not supplied) and allows safe operation with 14V control voltage.

RCS-8VN: Same as RCS-8V but has N-type connectors instead of SO-239.