P3 Panadapter zobrazuje aktivitu na pásmu jako spektrum, vodopád nebo oba.
Šířka okna od 2kHz do 200kHz
Ovládání K3 VFO - naladění na zvolený signál, zobrazení polohy VFO-A a VFO-B TRX
IF výstup pro další zařízení (CW Skimmer atd.)
Programovatelný kmitočet mezifrekvence (455 kHz - 21.7 MHz) pro různé typy TRX
Rozměry: 4" výška x 6.4" šířka x 10" hloubka (shodné s K3)
Váha: 5.5 lbs
hotový výrobek, továrně sestavený
P3 Panadapter display fast real time spectrum and waterfall displays of band activity. The P3 offers superior sensitivity and DSP processing, giving you the ability to see signals down to the K3's noise floor.
Screen may be split to display both spectrum and waterfall displays at the same time
200 kHz maximum span; 2 kHz minimum span (wider spans planned with future f/w updates)
Point and click by pressing the "select" knob to move the K3 VFO to desired signals (Sets VFO A or VFO B)
On-screen cursors show where the K3's VFO A and VFO B are set, and their RX bandwidth
Multi-pass signal averaging mode shows even weaker signals while averaging out the noise
User calibration of the display to show absolute signal level in dBm
Buffered IF output to drive other equipment (CW Skimmer etc.)
Transparent operation to external logging and control programs
Programmable IF input (455 kHz to 21.7 MHz) for use with many other transceivers (IF output required)
Dimensions: 4" high x 6.4"wide x 10" deep (matches the K3)
Weight: 5.5 lbs
Available factory- assembled or as a modular "no-solder" kit