nejnovější verze Gen 5
softwarově definovaný transceiver s rozsahem 9 kHz - 65 MHz a 95-148 MHz
Na rozdíl od jiných SDR, které se standardně připojují k PC pomocí USB kabelu, zde komunikaci zajišťuje síťový
ethernet kabel.
To má výhodu v mnohem větší rychlosti přenosu mezi přijímačem a PC, umožňuje použití delších kabelů a
integraci SDR do místní sítě a remote provoz.
SDR se dodávaným kabelem připojí buď přímo k PC nebo do routeru.
Frekvenční rozsah 9 kHz – 65MHz (RX), všechna am. pásma KV/6m (TX)
Frekvenční rozsah VHF 95-148 MHz (RX), 144-146 MHz (TX)
citlivost 0,07 uV
Výkon TX 100 W (HF), 80W (50 MHz), 8 W (VHF)
Blocking Dynamic Range 129 dB (HF), >114 dB (VHF)
RF ADC clock freq. 160 MHz
RF DAC clock freq. 640 MHz
RF DAC resolution 14 bit
napájecí napětí 15V (12 až 16 V)
stabilita místního oscilátoru +/-0,5ppm
built-in audio codec resolution 24 bit
nejnovější verze Gen 5 s následujícími hardwarovými vylepšeními:
- modifikovaný chladič
- vylepšené umístění teplotního sensoru
- zlepšené IMD vysílače až na 37 dB na KV pásmech při výkonu 100W
- výkon na 50 MHz zvýšený na 80W
- další drobná vylepšení filtrů
- zlepšená spolehlivost přepínání RX/TX
The SunSDR2 DX transceiver based on the well-known SunSDR2 PRO transceiver with several hardware
The latest hardware update Gen5
It is a 100W-HF; 80W-6M; 8W-2M transceiver, very compact, has active cooling and
improved supply system, meaning it’s perfectly suited for DXpeditions. Also, we've added a separate connector for an
external ATU, thus SunSDR2 DX has all the functionality you got used to in our radios and even more.
Improved hardware along with the ExpertSDR2 software makes this high-performance SDR transceiver the perfect
base station. The evident choice for a true contester!
The latest hardware update, SunSDR2 Gen5!*
Redesigned heatsink, with thinner and more frequent gills for higher effectiveness
Improved temperature sensor placement for more accurate temperature readings
Improved TX IMD3 up to ~37 dB across all HF bands, with 100W output power
6M output power have been increased up to 80W
Improved SDR PCB protection from cross-talks. Improved protection for the supply chain
Added ferrite bead on the flex-cable connecting PA and SDR PCBs, for more stable operation with external ATU
Added filtering of the headphones’ connector
Slight improvement of the RX path
TX filter of the DAC chip, which provides better linearity of the TX signal
Band pass filter on the PA input, which improves linearity of PA operation
Improved structure of 160, 6M TX filters
RX/TX switching node on PCB is more resilient now
* Improvements in comparison to Generation 1 (November 2019)
SunSDR2 DX Features
100 watt transmit power on HF, 80 watt on 50 MHz!
TU connector for AAT-100 automatic antenna tuner option
Powerful fan for demanding use
HPF for VHF (100 MHz) to eliminate strong out-of-band stations coming from HF
LPF for HF (70 MHz) to eliminate strong out-of-band stations coming from VHF
VHF LNA (PGA103+ chip)
High-performance built-in stereo audio codec 24 bit with 114 dB dynamic range
Anderson Powerpole power connector
Ground lug
Sturdy DIP-type ExtCtrl connector
Low power consumption and great power dissipation
SunSDR2 DX Main Capabilities
Independent RX path based on DDC (Direct Down-Conversion) architecture
Independent TX path based on DUC (Direct Up-Conversion) architecture
Output power: 100W on HF, 50W on 6M and 8W on 2M
2 software RXs + SubRX for each of them (4 slices total) + independent wideband Bandscope up to 80 MHz
Remote control operation, using it, you connect PTT and CW-key to the E-Coder panel. Microphone and E-Coder are connected to the remotely set up PC
TCI interface for seamless connection with third-party software like SDC (with its own Skimmer), LogHX, SWISSLOG and RUMlog, more are coming
Professional TX processing module provides the most advanced tuning capability for voice operation
ExtCTRL connector to control external devices with 8 powerful keys with open collector
ALC connector for external power amplifiers*
Transverter support
An opportunity to use the transceiver as a signal generator via DAC OUT connector (SMA connector)
An opportunity to use external filters in the middle of the RF path, using ADC IN and RX OUT (SMA connector)
Minimal delay in CW mode (about 10 ms)
10 MHz externa reference oscillator input
Full duplex or half duplex modes**
Antenna switch with 2 HF antenna connectors and separate VHF antenna connector (Mini UHF connectors)
Internal power-meter for HF and VHF bands and SWR-meter for HF band
Ethernet LAN interface provides a fast and reliable connection to PC
* ** Feature supported by the transceiver’s hardware and will be supported in a future release of ExpertSDR3 software.
Main capabilities
Independent RX path based on DDC (Direct Down-Conversion) architecture
Independent TX path based on DUC (Direct Up-Conversion) architecture
Output power: 100W on HF, 80W on 6M and 8W on 2M
2 software RXs + SubRX for each of them (4 slices total) + independent wideband Bandscope up to 80 MHz
Remote control operation, using it, you connect PTT and CW-key to the E-Coder panel. Microphone and E-Coder are connected to the remotely set up PC
TCI interface for seamless connection with third-party software, the list of software with TCI support
Professional TX processing module provides the most advanced tuning capability for voice operation
ExtCTRL connector to control external devices with 8 powerful keys with open collector
ALC connector for external power amplifiers*
Supports use of VHF transverters
An opportunity to use the transceiver as a signal generator via DAC OUT connector (SMA connector)
An opportunity to use external filters in the middle of the RF path, using ADC IN and RX OUT (SMA connector)
Monitoring delay in CW mode is about 2-3 ms
Input for external 10 MHz reference oscillator
An opportunity to use the transceiver in SO2V mode
Antenna switch with 2 HF antenna connectors and separate VHF antenna connector (Mini UHF connectors)
Internal power-meter for HF and VHF bands and SWR-meter for HF band
Ethernet LAN interface provides a fast and reliable connection to PC
The ExpertSDR2 minimal system requirements:
2 or 4 core CPU Intel Core i3 or Core i5;
40 GB free space on the HDD/SSD for the ExpertSDR2 and accompanied programs;
17' or bigger monitor;
video card with OpenGL 1.5 or higher;
The ExpertSDR2 software supports Windows 7-10 32/64 bit, Linux (Ubuntu/Kubuntu 18.04 x64), and macOS
10.14 Mojave and higher.
SunSDR2 DX complete set
Transceiver SunSDR2 DX
External fan, size 140 x 140 mm
LAN-cable for connection to a local network (1.8m)
Power cable for connection to a power supply (2m)
Audio-adapters JACK 6.3mm to JACK 3.5mm (2 pcs.)
RF Cable Mini UHF — HF PL259 1Ft (0.3m 1 pc.)
Additional accessories:
E-Coder Plus or E-Coder control panel for comfortable tuning