modul 80+30m pro KX1
KXB3080 Option Adds 30 M + 80 M and Wide Band RX Coverage
With the introduction of the KXB3080 option, the KX1 now covers up to four bands. The dual-band KXB3080 module, covering 80 and 30 meters, is installed in the same location as the 30-meter option (KXB30).
With the KXB3080 installed, the rig#s DDS VFO allows reception from 1.0 to 16.5 MHz, which includes many popular shortwave broadcast bands. While signals far outside the ham bands are slightly attenuated, it is still possible to copy strong stations even in the commercial AM broadcast band. The KX1 transmits only in CW mode, but can receive SSB and AM signals, thanks to its variable-passband crystal filter.
KX1 revision 1.02 firmware is included at no charge with the KXB3080 option (and is included with all KX1s shipped after Feb. 7, 2006. S/N 1373 and later) . The new firmware also adds a scanning feature, useful for monitoring quiet bands. Scanning proceeds in #live# (un-muted) fashion, allowing the operator to hear even very weak stations. In emergency situations, scanning could help the operator find a strong local station they could contact even with weak batteries or an inefficient antenna.