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Dvojitý, nezávislý SWR/Power metr

Cena s DPH 4 235,00 CZK

Cena bez DPH3 500,00 CZK

SWR/Power metr pro 1,8-200MHz + 140-525MHz, dva nezávislé systémy, v rozsahu 1,8-200MHz přepínatelné 30W, 300W, 3kW, v rozsahu 140-525 přepínatelné 20W, 50W, 200W. -----
M1 covers the lower range (1.8-200Mhz) and has its own 3 way scale , select 30/300 or 3Kw output, and M2 is for the upper ranges (140-525Mhz) and has selectable scales of 20/50 or 200 watts . Both meters have super night time illumination with twin colour red/green display , 12v dc lead included for this.

Comet CMX-2300 - Twin cross needle SWR/Power meter
M1 range - 1.8-200 Mhz
M2 range - 140-525Mhz
Power - M1 - 30/300/3kW
Reflected Power - M1 - 6/60/0.6k (W)

Power - M2 - 20/50/200 watts
Reflected Power - M2 - 20/50/200 (W)

Rear output sockets - 4 x SO239
-30 dB monitor output via 2 BNC sockets
Impedance - 50 Ohms
Insertion Loss - 0.2dB
Power requirements - DC 11-15 volts 450mA
Size - 250 x 98 x 135 max (WHD)
Weight - 1540g

Read more: http://www.nevadaradio.co.uk/amateur-radio/power-and-swr-meters/comet-cmx-2300#ixzz1KoykRW77