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CG RTC-200

CG RTC-200
Interface pro ovládání rotátoru z PC

Cena s DPH 3 640,00 CZK

Cena bez DPH3 008,26 CZK

Kompaktní interface pro ovládání rotátoru z počítače.
Kompatibilní se všemi Yaesu rotátory, které mají konektor "EXT. CONTROL" (6 pin MINI DIN), tedy např. s modely

Propojení prostřednictvím USB kabelu

součástí dodávky jsou:
RTC-200 Interface
USB A/B kabel, 150cm
6p MiniDIN/6p MiniDIN kabel, 150cm
napájecí DC kabel s konektorem, 100 cm
Anglický manuál

The RTC-200 is a compact interface to connect compatible Yaesu rotors to a computer. You can use all Yaesu rotors with 6-pin MiniDIN 'Ext. Control' connector,
a suitable cable is included. The RTC-200 offers connections to two rotors at the same time, to support satellite antenna systems with azimuth and elevation motors.
Towards the computer the interface is connected by USB, a cable is included.

The RTC-200 interface uses the Yaesu rotor control protocol, just like the GS-232A/GS-232B interface by Yaesu. This makes this interface compatible to nearly all rotor
control programs on the market. The interface requires a supply voltage of 8 to 15 V DC, a cable is included.

For installation a driver must be downloaded from the manufacturers website. This download also includes a small rotor control application (Windows only).
Download address www.cgantenna.be/rtc200/RTC200.zip.Contrary to the description in the english manual, the product no longer comes with a CD.

List of supported Yaesu Rotors
all other models with an 'Ext. Control' socket
What if my rotor does not have the 'Ext., Control' socket? On the Ext. Control socket of a Yaesu rotor (except G-5500) there are simply the signals of the three buttons
'left rotation', 'right rotation' and (if available) 'brake release', as well as the analog signal 'direction' and of course 'ground'. Such a socket could be retrofitted relatively
easily to other rotors, even to those of another manufacturers.

Included in shipment
RTC-200 Interface
USB A/B Cable, 150cm
6p MiniDIN/6p MiniDIN cable, 150cm
DC cable with barrel connector, 100 cm
Printed manual, english