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Zdroj napájecí PSU-1228 30A SLEVA

Zdroj napájecí PSU-1228  30A  SLEVA
Spínaný zdroj 9-15V, 28A

Cena s DPH 73,03 €

Cena bez DPH60,36 €

Opět k dispozici omezené množství - nabídka platí do vyprodání.

Regulovatelný zdroj 9-15V, 28A, měření V/A, "Noise-Offset control". Velmi málý a lehký.

Repasovaný - po opravě, sleva 40%


These power supplies offer in a small case everything the radio amateur needs. The power supplies are either
switched to fixed 13.8V, or to a variable output voltage between 9 and 15V.
The maximum current may be up to 28A (PSU-1228, 20A continous) or 50A (PSU-1250, 40A continous).
This is sufficient for all 100W transceivers. The built-in fan is temperature controlled.
With little load the fan does not run at all, the PSU-12xx is absolutely quiet.
Only with a longer and higher load the fan starts to run to cool the internal electronics. In cases where interferences occur, the PSU-12xx
offers a control which shifts the frequency of the birdies, if required. The back-lit instrument shows (selectable) either Voltage or Current.
All controls are conveniently located on the front, the 230VAC and DC connectors are on the rear.
The PSU-1228 has the same front panel size and layout as the well known SX- series SWR/power meters and so fits perfectly into the ham shack.
The PSU-1250 has the same design but is somewhat larger.