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ELECRAFT KXBT2 LiIon battery

ELECRAFT KXBT2  LiIon battery
Internal LiIon baterie for KX2

Cena s DPH 93,02 €

Cena bez DPH76,88 €

interní LiIon baterie, 10,8V 2,6Ah
hmotnost asi 240g, poskytuje napájení pro KX2 na přibližně 8 hodin provozu


Lithium-ion Battery Pack; Tenergy 10.8V, 2.6Ah

The KXBT2 battery pack weighs about 4.8 oz, and can provide up to 8 hours of typical transceiver operation
and up to 10 W power output.
You can plug in an internal battery and an external supply at the same time, and the radio will operate from
whichever is higher in voltage.
Can also be charged internally if KXIBC2 is installed in the KX2.